
Friday, April 15, 2011

Partners for H2H Charity Quilt Challenge!

I am so excited this morning!  Sarah, over at Confessions of a Fabric Addict sent me my partner's name for the

Sarah has generously donated her time and talents to organizing a fabric swap and challenge to make and donate quilts to Green Fairy Quilts for their charity.

I am excited to announce that my partner is Jacque from South Carolina.  Wow, I get to meet awesome quilters from all over the world, make a quilt from a surprise box of fabric that Jacque has chosen to send to me, and all the while--doing what I love: sewing and quilting!

I have my box of fabric all ready to send to Jacque and have "talked" to her through e-mail this morning.

Although it's a bit chilly (39 degrees) here in Southern Idaho, the sun is shining and it's gonna be a great day!  We had snow yesterday, and there is still a lot of snow on Black Pine Mountain

Freshly planted wheat field in the foreground.  Black Pine Mountain is about 7 miles away.  Sometimes we have snow up there until Labor Day.

To the south, through the cherry trees, you can see a tiny tractor and a tiny truck.  These look like toys from a half a mile but it's the seed truck and my husband planting wheat.
In about an hour, I will go out to move this seed truck to a different field.  This is my "day job."  I sew and quilt around the farming.

Brrrr....I am gonna head back in and quilt a few inches while I wait for his call.  Thank goodness for cell phones!


  1. What a gorgeous set of views you have. And you wouldn't be showing them to us if you didn't actively appreciate them yourself. Wow! No ones quite planting their wheat around here yet but I guess it's getting close. I'm just south of Ottawa in Canada.

  2. That is a beautiful place to live! It's easy to forget what an amazing country we live in, how different it is, but still wonderful in every corner. Is that a quilting studio in the header? Lovely, thanks for sharing.
