
Monday, January 19, 2015

DWR in progress

Just finished the first row tonight.
The grid is developing behind the plumes.


  1. Your unique quilting is very fitting for the "non-traditional" colors of the quilt. Can't wait to see this one finished!

  2. My goodness that is different! You are making this quilt look amazing!

  3. Nice one. I can't wait to see the grid across the whole quilt.

  4. I think it looks Awesome! I love looking at your work.
    I have one curious question... What is the purpose of the Blue painters tape for? Being a Longarmer (beginner) I am always looking for new and innovative ideas that I can use.

  5. Thanks Elaine! You are a "no reply blogger" so I can't reply to your question via e-mail. I hope you look bake here and see this. I have an APQS machine and I hardly ever attach the quilt top to the top roller canvas. I keep it rolled up and taped just to keep it out of the way. Instead, I float my quilt tops without pinning to the top roller. Some quilters like to just take this bar completely off, but I lean on mine and like it there. However, there is one piece of tape at the left and right edge of the quilt top marking the edges of the quilt. Everytime I roll, I make sure the quilt lines up with these "markers" so it stays square. I use a lot of blue tape!
