
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

H2H 2019 #2

One more Hands 2 Help quilt finished and ready to send to Mercyful Quilts. Mercyful Quilts give quilts to people as they approach the end of life. Later the quilt goes with the family. I found these 12 purple blocks in a bag of fabrics I bought at a garage sale last summer. I think it is fitting that these blocks were made by a lady who was selling all her sewing supplies so she could enter an assisted living center. I think she might be pleased to know that her efforts are being passed along to another person in need of a "Quilty Hug."

Please visit Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict to see all the details and all the wonderful quilts that others have made for this great charity quilt challenge.

 This buttery yellow actually matched the yellow pansies on this print.

Lots of freehand quilting hides any perfections in the blocks.

This yummy flannel backing has violets and wild roses.


  1. The quilt is lovely. I particularly like the quilting. It's a great way to pass on a hug.

  2. Its so pretty! The quilting tho! Wow!! I love that!!
