I received these two QOV tops from a group in Columbus, Indiana.
Pieced by Rebekah Coffman of Seymour, IN |
Their story is interesting and I want to share a brief sketch with you~
Kathy Fruhner, who co-leads this group wrote:
"There are about a dozen gals from "thirty something" to age 95 working on tops as well as one man from our church who wants to learn to quilt and comes from time to time. Since we started in April '05 we have completed 1,785 tops . . . in May we had a display of 169 completed QOVs at the church where we meet to work. We sent 15 to a program for returning Vets at the VA in Little Rock and 30 to a program for women Vets with PTSD at the VA in Albuquerque . . . we also delivered 122 to the VA Hospital in Marion, IN where they have a very active program for wounded and traumatized service persons."
So . . . I popped up my calculator and crunched 1,785 quilt tops in 5 years . . .
Do you realize that averages out to almost one top per day??
Pieced by Pat Richey of Columbus, IN |
The colored strips are quilted with a continuous curve.
This creates a secondary pattern framing the feathers. You can see it on the back.
Now, you can see it on the front . . .

Your eye focuses on the colored strips and not at the line where they meet the white strips. Interesting.
Thanks ladies for your service.