Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hauling Hay other car is a Pontiac....

This was taken today.  It was 90 degrees with a hot south wind blowing.  I drive the Peterbilt and my hubby loads the hay with the Telehandler.  The mountain behind the truck is called Black Pine.  It is 7 miles away.  If you look really close, you can still see some streaks of snow.  Where we live, here in Southern Idaho, we only get 3 crops of alfalfa hay a year.   This is our first cutting of hay for 2010.

This next photo was actually taken a few years ago.  My daughter, Mandy, was driving the truck in this photo.  She is a pharmacist in Minnesota, but when she was in college she and her husband used to like to come home and spend a week in the summer and help.  

Each truckload goes on the scale and is weighed before the hay is put in the stack. Today, the bales weighed 2200 pounds each.
Stacking the bales until they are sold to dairies.
...a different view looking North

This is the south-west view we have from our deck in the summer.
 Looking back into the yard, here is our deck and back yard where we sit in the evenings and look out on the mountain...after a long hot day in the field.

Time to turn on the irrigation pivots and water the next crop.

1 comment:

  1. your hauling hay looks more fun than my hauling hay. Thanks for sharing the photos = you live in a gorgeous place!!



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